Behind the Scenes: Launching Prismatic's Turning Point Fund

At the heart of our mission at Prismatic lies a commitment to empowering the next generation of leaders and creating positive change in our communities. Our latest endeavor, the Turning Point Fund, is a testament to that mission, and I believe it’s important to tell the story of how we got here.

The name "Turning Point Fund" reflects the critical juncture our students are facing. Recent data underscores the challenges they encounter, particularly in terms of declining mental health. This initiative serves as the turning point that can steer them away from negative trajectories and toward a brighter future.

The field of education is at a crossroads, grappling with challenges such as AI, changing workforce dynamics, and remote work. To prepare the next generation for these challenges, we must invest in high school students today. There's simply no alternative. Creating the Turning Point Fund has been a collaborative effort involving key team members, our board of directors, and our marketing teams, all dedicated to clarifying the campaign's objectives and spreading the word about Prismatic's mission.

What sets the Turning Point Fund apart from our previous initiatives is its singular focus on forging one-to-one partnerships between corporate sponsors and schools. Unlike traditional corporate sponsorships that support nonprofits as a whole, this campaign is about building direct relationships with individual schools in high-need Chicago communities. When corporations join the Turning Point Fund, they commit 100% of their funding to a specific school, and their employees actively engage in volunteer opportunities within that school community. This unique approach not only offers companies a one-to-one connection but also fosters a sense of community among their own employees.

In today's remote work environment, fostering connections beyond the workplace is invaluable. The Turning Point Fund provides a platform for corporations to cultivate relationships among their teams, creating meaningful bonds that extend far beyond the office.

The inception of the Turning Point Fund was our team’s opportunity to create a platform demonstrating our unwavering commitment to long-term engagement. Unlike shorter programs, this initiative focuses on providing year-long initiatives, allowing students to deepen their relationships, gain insights into various career paths, and enrich their career development experiences. This new effort enables our corporate partners to further their own community missions by supporting our local youth and also gaining access to exclusive content, including videos, photos, blog posts, and social media material to amplify their involvement. The stories they tell can help further share the message of our collaborative impact, especially to a geographically dispersed workforce.

So, how will the Turning Point Fund impact Chicago and its corporate community? We hope to inspire more young talent to choose Chicago as their place of work, turning the city into a hub of opportunity. We invite Chicago-based companies, or those with a significant presence in the city, to invest in the students living and learning here, establishing a lasting pipeline of talent.

Diversity is a cornerstone of our mission, and investing in young people from diverse backgrounds is key to cultivating an inclusive future workforce. We aim to make a significant, long-lasting impact on Chicago. In the short term, our students will benefit from stable and supportive relationships formed with corporate partners, volunteers, and our team. The data overwhelmingly highlights the importance of these relationships in supporting young individuals' mental health and well-being.

Looking ahead, we envision the Turning Point Fund as a launchpad for more extensive investments in Chicago schools, expanding our relationships with corporations year after year. The Turning Point Fund is more than a corporate partnership program but a catalyst for change, bridging the gap between corporations and the future leaders of Chicago. By investing in our youth today, we are nurturing a workforce prepared to meet the challenges of tomorrow, including AI, evolving work landscapes, and the demands of remote work. I’m looking forward to those Chicago corporations that rise to the challenge and join us on this transformative journey to create a brighter tomorrow.

Debra Giunta