Unleashing EQ In the Workplace: Your Guide to Thriving Professionally

It's one thing to teach EQ to youngsters and another to embody it as a leader. As leaders, we need to be willing to discuss, identify, and understand the conditions that foster emotional intelligence within teams and organizations. And to truly grasp this, real stories from real people often resonate more than a sea of statistics.

Earlier this month, I moderated Prismatic’s event, Unleashing Your Emotional Intelligence at Work. I had the pleasure of interviewing Miraj Chokshi, Chief Product Officer at Carallel, and hearing about his experience refining his own emotional intelligence while scaling a team to ensure their unique personalities blended harmoniously.  

Emotional intelligence (EQ) is not just about knowing when to offer a comforting word or how to manage one's own feelings. In our discussion, Miraj explained that it's about understanding how EQ shapes our organizational and professional choices, especially in the dynamic landscape of startups. In Miraj’s case, he had to define a remote culture at Carallel to recognize and manage emotional cues that are often easy to notice in physical settings compared to virtual environments. Adjusting to these varied modes of communication necessitates an evolved set of behaviors and a more refined EQ.

I felt that Miraj’s personal experience underscored the importance of EQ not just in interpersonal relations but also in the broader fabric of an organization. He explained that every person’s experience provides a roadmap, reminding us that honoring a steady compass of emotional intelligence can guide us to create workplaces that are not just productive but emotionally harmonious. 

I also appreciated that Miraj was gracious enough to share a few self-reflection practices that can help empower yourself and others in navigating different personalities, situations, and energies within a team. 

These include acceptance in acknowledging your role in the workplace and using this to help ground your self-worth. This also includes the ‘good enough’ philosophy contradicting the age-old adage of always giving your best. Sometimes, striving for good enough can be a more strategic and sustainable approach. 

There were 10 key takeaways that emerged from the discussion. I hope these 10 insights provide you with actionable advice as you aim to ‘unleash’ EQ in your own life and workplace. 

1. Understanding Your Roots

Our careers often reflect our past and familial dynamics. Yet, it's essential to discern if we're merely running on a pre-defined path or genuinely pursuing our passion. Take a moment to reflect on your motivations. Find that sweet spot where family expectations harmoniously coexist with your ambitions. After all, your career should resonate with your inner calling.

2. Embracing the Remote Life with Balance

While the comforts of home can be delightful, remote work can sometimes blur boundaries. By setting up a designated workspace, you can recreate the office's discipline while savoring home's warmth. And hey, don't forget to initiate those light-hearted virtual coffee breaks. Cultivating relationships from a distance can be equally enriching.

3. The Power of Flexibility

Flexibility isn't merely a perk; it's a necessity for modern mental well-being. When employers adopt a more understanding approach toward personal circumstances, it breeds loyalty and positivity. If you're spearheading a team, weave flexibility into your leadership fabric. And for those seeking flexibility – communication is key; make your needs known.

4. EQ: Not Just a Skill, but a Managerial Mandate

A manager with a high EQ isn't just an effective leader; they're the lighthouse guiding teams through turbulent times. It's about recognizing that employees aren’t uniform entities but individuals with distinct emotional landscapes. Dive into the world of EQ, and you'll notice the difference in team dynamics and output.

5. The Unyielding Impact of Empathy

In the vast sea of corporate dynamics, empathy stands out as a beacon of hope. It's not about pampering your team but understanding and resonating with their emotional worlds. Active listening can be your greatest tool here. Give your employees a platform where they're heard, genuinely and wholly.

6. EQ: A Journey of Lifelong Learning

EQ isn't a stagnant pool; it’s a river that continually flows and evolves. Be it through constructive feedback, introspection, or simply immersing yourself in EQ literature – there’s always a path to improvement. Carve out some time in your weekly routine for activities that enhance your emotional acumen.

7. Age and Experience: Pieces of the Puzzle, Not the Whole Picture

While age and experience undoubtedly shape our professional personas, they shouldn't restrict or dictate our managerial methodologies. Recognize that each team member brings a mosaic of background, traits, and past experiences. Instead of leaning solely on generational attributes, zoom into individual nuances and adapt your leadership style accordingly.

8. The Art and Science of Setting Expectations

In roles, especially those interfacing with customers, clarity is paramount. Both efficiency and satisfaction hinge on well-laid expectations. Regular check-ins and open communication lines are indispensable tools. Be proactive; lay out clear expectations and ensure all stakeholders are aligned.

9. Reflection: The Mirror to Your Managerial Soul

As professionals, we often get swept in the tide of day-to-day tasks, forgetting the need for introspection. Monthly reflection sessions, where you dissect feedback and assess strategies, can be transformative. It’s not just about identifying areas of improvement but also celebrating successes.

10. EQ’s Universal Language

The magic of EQ lies in its universal applicability. Be it a buzzing office, a remote team, or cross-departmental collaborations – the principles of EQ stand tall. The trick is in understanding the distinct dynamics of each setting and molding your EQ strategies to fit those unique contours.

To sum it up, EQ is more than a corporate buzzword. It’s the silent force driving successful teams and nurturing harmonious work environments.

Interested in attending our next EQ in the workplace event? Follow Prismatic on LinkedIn to ensure you’re notified once our next event is live.

Debra Giunta